Saturday, December 19, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Presenting the Future
Serve your vision, and you will serve your life purpose.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Birds at the feeder
My favorite black capped chickadee. I adore chickadees. I had fun watching the parents bring the babies to learn how to feed this summer, and just love seeing them about the yard all year.
A flock of bushtits. They are so cute! They were sitting in the weeping beech tree and one came over to check it out. Flew back and they all came over to crowd around. There were seven on the feeder at once. It's an upside down feeder, designed to keep the starlings away, and there's only one side for them to cling. They come through occasionally, so it's fun when I'm at the window to catch their antics.
Ruby crowned kinglet was here yesterday too. I couldn't figure out what he was without going to the bird book, and John knew by my description. (Isn't he amazing?)
Juncos are all over the yard this time of year, hopping around the deck and planters and right up to the window. I don't see them often at the suet feeder so it was a treat this morning.

Monday, November 9, 2009
Traveling Feet
Did I mention that one of our photo assignments is to get pictures of your traveling feet?
Thursday, November 5, 2009
A bit of recent art
A couple of Owls created during a collage-a-thon weekend. Background is papers and tissue layered with gel medium, dress pattern over the top, stamped images, acrylic glaze, poster paint pens. It's a fun technique I learned some time ago from my friend Betsey.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Camping again
Monday, October 19, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Contest entry
So there is this contest in the store where I work. Winners will be used for examples for Halloween and Holidays. This is my entry.
Friday, October 2, 2009
I prefer
sunshine to rain
warm weather to chilly weather
wearing one layer rather than two or three
cropped pants to jeans
my fit flops to clogs
light jacket to heavy rain gear
being too warm to being always chilly
I just don't want to deal with the rainy cold this year. Bleh!
Wonder how I can become one of those snow birds? ;)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Are you tired of zucchini yet?
Zucchini and Brown Rice Soup
1 lb zucchini (about 2 medium)
½ lb spinach or chard (1 bunch)
6-8 cups chicken or vegetable broth
½ long grain brown rice
1 ½ cups sliced onions
3 Tbsp butter
Salt and freshly ground pepper
Wash, trim and grate the zucchini.
Wash the spinach leaves, dry and cut into thin strips. (I used chard and removed tough stems)
Bring the broth to a boil, stir in the rice, lower heat, cover and cook slowly until the rice is just tender, about 40 minutes.
In large sauté pan, cook onions in butter until wilted and golden.
Stir in zucchini and cook, stirring, 4-5 minutes. There will be moisture left in the pan.
Mix in the spinach and cook until barely wilted. Set aside.
When rice is cooked, stir in the zucchini mixture, heat through, and season with salt and pepper.
The soup will be fairly thick. Thin with additional broth if you wish. Makes about 2 quarts.
For a heartier soup, add cooked chopped chicken.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Jen's recipe
I've wondered where her recipe box ended up. It occurred to me once long after they cleared her apartment without me (long story) and I never did find out. Never did ask, actually. Telling myself to remember all the times we cooked and baked together is what is real and is what matters. Recipes in her handwriting are not necessary for me to remember.
So I have this great recipe (which I'd also written into our extended family cookbook created 20+ years ago) and am off to make bread while Jen is smiling at me. Thanks, Jen.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Traveling Journal
I'm excited to see what the other artists will do on this theme. And I get to play in their journals too. :)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
We still have blooms
At Silver Lake
The family reunion was a fairly quiet one this year, only three "east-siders" came, and a sprinkling of us west-siders. I spent a lot of the time reading with with my three year old grand niece and visiting with my neices and sister. Played card games with Jason (I lost as usual). BBQ'ed salmon and hot dogs, made lovely salads, and had lots of snacks. Enjoyed family history and women of the family books put together by my sister-in-law. Defended ourselves against the yellow jackets nesting under the picnic bench through out the weekend. Took a couple of short walks.
Sister rented a canoe for the afternoon, so I went out with John and Jason Saturday afternoon... that's me doing all the work. ;)
We rented two paddle boats Sunday and paddled ourselves all over the lake. John fished Sunday with grand-niece and her new fishing pole. We even trolled while in the paddle boat, and played pirates...
It was a lovely weekend, with good people. My kind of family reunion.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Getting ready
We're staying in the lodge and my two of my nieces and grandniece are staying in our motor home in the campsite we reserved. We originally reserved the lodge for our older generation... however none of them could make it this far. Which is totally understandable, although a bit disappointing for those of us who love visiting with them. What is not as understandable are all the "younger" east-siders who can't make it because it's too far. Hmmm... we all go over there, so it must not be as far from our direction. *wink*
Those of us who ARE are coming are all fun peoples and upbeat and we're going to have a grand time in a beautiful park... more on that when we return.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Another way to use Zucchini
Zucchini Linguini with Chicken
Serves 4
2 Tbsp olive oil
2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1/2 in pieces (we used organic)
Sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1 Tbsp unsalted butter
1 Tbsp minced shallot
1 garlic clove, minced
1/2 cup fat-free chicken broth or water
3 green zucchini, julienned
3 yellow zucchini, julienned (we used all green)
1/4 cup julienned fresh basil
2 1/2 ounces goat cheese
1. Heat oil in large saute pan over medium heat. Season the chicken with salt and pepper (we omitted salt) and saute until cooked. Then transfer to a bowl and set aside. Drain all but 1 Tbsp of oil from the pan.
2. Add the butter and shallot to the pan and saute until soft, then add the garlic and saute until fragrant. Add the chicken broth and zucchini and saute for 3-4 minutes just until soft. Remove from heat.
3. Return he chicken to the pan, add the basil and stir to combine. Divide among plates and top with the goat cheese. Serve immediately.
Note: I forgot to pick up shallots and goat cheese, so used minced onion and feta. I sauteed the chicken using olive oil spray rather than 2 Tbsp oil, and it worked fine. I may reduce or omit the chicken broth next time, the zucchini has a lot of liquid as it cooks. I'm sure this would work with Tofu instead of chicken.
261 calories; 25g protein; 7 g carbohydrates; 2 g fiber; 15g fat.
Recipe from Mariel Hemingway in AARP magazine.
Did I mention that I love zucchini? :D
Saturday, August 1, 2009
A Good Day!
Did some shopping at the Farmers Market; visited the Art Festival downtown and "bumped into" my niece Megan and grand niece Mina, and watched Mina create a lovely multicolored salmon.
Went to the Harry Potter movie with Jason and John; was forced (it was all Jason's idea) to eat popcorn. Then we all met Megan and Mina for pizza and cupcakes and singing Happy Birthday to Jason. It was such a lovely evening. An overall good day.
*Happy sigh*
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Through the Gate
Read a quote recently, and can't remember where...
"Life begins at the end of your Comfort Zone."
To get there you have to go through the gate.
Monday, July 27, 2009
I want my girl
I want my girl. I want to give her a hug. I want to sit around in our jammies and drink tea and chat. I want to go shopping and find fun lunch places. I want to share the books we've just read. I want to hear how her day went.
I want my girl.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
90 degrees in the shade
I'm loving sipping iced tea in the shade on the deck.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Zuchinni for dinner
6-8 small zucchini, shredded or julienned
2 Tbsp butter (the real stuff) or olive oil
1 tsp garlic
fresh ground pepper
2 cups uncooked organic whole wheat rotelli
1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
Start the water boiling for pasta.
Saute garlic in butter for 30 seconds, add zuchinni and cook until barely tender, stirring to coat with butter.
Cook the pasta al dente, drain and toss with the sauteed zucchini and half (or more) of the Parmesan. Season with pepper and serve with the remaining Parmesan.
This is one of our favorite summer recipes. It's easy and quick and is especially good with fresh-from-the-garden zucchini. :)
Monday, July 20, 2009
Creating Peace
From my inbox today... after a morning out in the garden.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
New Paint
And for the record, we have eaten tomatoes from our garden three nights in a row! Yay for sunshine, warm weather and Tumbler tomatoes.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
On the Boardwalk
A fire boat stopped just a bit out from where we were sitting, and practiced it's spraying. Fun to watch. There were a lot of sailboats out in the bay, and the people watching was great! It's a well used boardwalk/trail, folks of all ages and types, bicycles and walkers and runners in groups, by themselves, with dogs. One couple had their ferret on a leash. Made us smile. Almost as much as the two girls who gave us the Spock peace sign going and coming back from Woods Coffee with their iced mochas. What a riot.
My managers daughter and her adorable family walked by; they were out treasure hunting and then going to the beach. I got to see their sweet new baby in person. What a doll, just a cute as his older brother.
We had fun with some new to the area folks who were totally mystified with the crab ring... they stayed and watched for awhile. And a couple of kids who really wanted to wait, but mommy had to be somewhere and had to pry them away.
The crabs were not cooperative, so we came home with just a bit of eel grass on the crab ring... no crabs today.
Sometimes you just need to go do something totally unplanned and enjoy yourself. I need to do more of it. It's good for the soul.
Monday, July 13, 2009
I want to go away!
This is a good option...
More from the Garden
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
What You Want
July 6, 2009
What You Want
Aries Daily Horoscope
You could feel like taking on the world today. It might seem to you that you are ready to handle more responsibility in your life. Even if you feel confident about taking on more, you may want to think today about what more responsibility may mean for you. You might consider what you truly want from life and whether or not doing extra will help you obtain your goals. Perhaps you can reflect upon where you are now and the changes you would like to make. Think about how adding new obligations would fit into your life and assess if this would challenge you or make you feel overwhelmed. If you envision yourself being inundated, you could ponder how you could effect positive change in your life as it is right now. You may find that thinking about the outcomes of your initiative might help you gain better focus.
Reflecting upon what we truly want allows us to find healthier ways for achieving our goals. Our confidence and ambition sometimes lead us to feel that we can take on anything we need to in order to become successful in our lives. Thinking about the direction this will take us in gives us time to understand where we should really put our energy. This directs our attention to the things that are important to us and will allow for our success. Assessing where you want to go in life today will let you focus your talent on being successful in a way that will be meaningful for you
My friend Cheryl moving away highlighted last week. She came and played at the Scrap Paper doll class last Sunday. I miss her already. I am so glad I can keep up on her new blog. I sent her on her way with a little travel angel. It is made of pieces of map from her route between here and there. It kept her safe; she has arrived and is starting her new job today.
There is my art room, of course, however it has been in turmoil for a while. Haha! It is giving me the incentive to finally finish the re-organizing. It's half done. There are boxes in here of Jen's things, and a couple of old "important paper" boxes in the closet to be gone through and shredded. Not to mention finding places for all those freakin' art supplies I keep buying. (Shhh... don't tell!)
I just want to get in the motor home and go camping somewhere quiet and peaceful and do art when I'm not going for walks like we did a couple of weeks ago. This was the view from the window where I sat doing art... while John was fishing in the rain.
It doesn't appear that we'll be able to camp again for a while....
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Zucchini are coming!
Our best zucchini crop since I moved from Lewiston Idaho 14 years ago, produced four (4) zucchini. Okay maybe five. Really!
This may be the year of the bumper crop, where friends and neighbors run when they see us coming. :D yay!
Summer Solstice
The first two use pictures of my garden as background, the second two use vintage sheet music and paper napkins. The images are by Cicely Mary Barker. Fairies make me happy.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Camping Adventures
Took a walk on the nature trail, wandered the beach, looking under rocks for creatures. Sat under the variety of trees at the campsite... cedar, douglas fir, big leaf maple, alder, vine maple. With lots of shrubs... salmon berry, snow berry, nine bark...
Did you know that when you sit in the growing twilight, you are better able to see the faces in the bark of the trees. We wished we had more time to just sit and be.
So our little motorhome decided to help out. It wouldn't start when we were ready to go. Tried to jump start it... no luck. The starter went out, so AAA towing came and rescued us, and brought us back to town to our favorite RV place. Our trip ended with taking the bus home with a small bag of necessities (makeup bag, face stuff, books we're reading...necessities!)
Hubby joked that he plans only the funnest adventures for us. Which he does. Laughing through the whole thing was good for us both.
And when we were home, we discovered all the things we needed that were still in the motorhome... bread, tomatoes for salad, the remainder of the fresh fruit, vitamins, pajamas, my half bottle of wine...
I love to go camping. It's always an adventure, one way or the other. ;)
ATC Contest Winner!
Here's the ATC:
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Beeswax & Napkins
April 30
It was a beautiful sunny day, much different than that rainy day in 2005 . We wandered among the tulips and did the touristy picture taking, getting dusty and warm. It was so bright the pictures didn't turn out as well as we hoped...
It was a good day.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Inner peace
Sunday, April 12, 2009
April 11
Slept in until 8:00 (she would have probably slept longer)
Sat around in my jammies drinking tea until 11:00, harassing Jason and Calvin as needed.
Went down to the Farmers Market to assist hubby who was tending the NWF Community Habitat Certification booth... (which was right next to our soap lady)
At said Farmers Market, purchased soap and new lotion bar in one of my favorite scents, Morning Sun from Good Natured Earthling; bought Tea from new vendor, Sip-T, Misfit Bliss and Wicked Thicket (OMG, it's awesome tea, Jen!); and bought a big pot of catnip for Calvin.
Left John at Market and went to the two downtown used book stores, and found The Art of Happiness for our book group.
Found book to read at downtown library
After market closed, went with John to Chuckanut Brewery for a bite and brew (loved their Kolsch and the yam fries)
Came home and attempted to do some art, but muse deserted me, so vegged with said library book the rest of the evening, still harassing Jason and Calvin as needed.
Happy Birthday Jen. I miss you.