Sunday, August 14, 2011


This is the time of year the madrone tree in our back yard starts shedding it's bark, in big sheets that free themselves in an afternoon and blow about the yard. I love it!

 Straight Out of The Camera Sunday

August Break 2011


Anonymous said...

I posted a photo or two of some madrone and manzanita on my blog and got many inquires about it. It seems people in other parts of the country (or world) were completely intrigued by it, having never heard of or seen it before. So I ended up going back and doing an entire post (7/19) about these plants we here in California take for granted. This is something I've learned from blogging - what we take for granted is new and wonderous to others. Makes for new blogging fodder for us.

Jan said...

What fun. Love your photo and the idea of flying bark.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

It must be quite amazing to watch these changes.

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