Carolyn's Garden
filled with blooms and garden art
quiet cousin time
Cousin Paula hosted our "cousin's reunion" this past weekend, close to home in Skagit Valley, a mere 30 minute drive away. We drove back and forth since our little motorhome isn't running well. The reunions are always a good time. We did a lot of visiting, playing with little kids we don't see often enough, eating, more visiting, silent auction, sitting around the fire pit visiting and making 'smores... fun times, even though it was chilly. It was a delightful weekend with the perfect mix of people!
Of course, I took virtually no pictures, even though I had my camera. Sunday morning, when I arrived, it was quiet in Carolyn's garden while the others were making their breakfast. I wandered with my cell phone and took a few pictures. I love the art and flowers in her garden, and isn't the garden shed cool?
More on the reunion later, but now it's time for HuMp DaY Haiku!

I started doing Hump Day Haiku with Carla Sonheim's Silly classes... and decided as a challenge for myself, I'd continue. In this process, I have found that creating a haiku (non rhyming poem with 5 - 7 - 5 syllables per line) feeds my soul. I especially like creating them to go with my photos and art.
Would you like to share a haiku you have written?
You may include a haiku in the comments, OR you may copy your blog post url (featuring a haiku) and add a link to your blog using Mr. Linky. And consider visiting other contributors blogs to see what they've created and say hello.