Thursday, July 10, 2014


Fine Art Photograph 
Helen Campbell ©

Painting with Photography. 
Prints are available in my Etsy shop

Sharing with Paint Party Friday


DVArtist said...

Absolutely stunning. Can't do better than nature's art.

Martha from ilove2paint said...

Ferns are so lovely, this photo is beautiful!

HeARTworks said...

Wow! How nice that you were able to stop and linger long enough to notice this little miracle! patsy

Abigail Davidson said...

Beautiful photography, and it's so relaxing as well! Happy PPF!

Unknown said...

Cool fern picture, so fresh and green :) Thanks for sharing your work and Happy PPF!

Faye said...

Your fern is so refreshing and beautiful. I do love ferns and have a few. I think I'll plant more when the weather gets cooler in the fall.

AM Zafaran said...

Lovely and so full of a quiet beauty that no words are needed!

GlorV1 said...

Hi Helen. Great photo of this fern. I am so looking forward to studying the ferns we just planted in the Fern Walk area. They are beautiful. Nice job. Have a great weekend.

Tammie Dickerson said...

Nicole is right! How can you possibly beat that? Really wonderful - happy PPF!

Debbie said...

Wonderful photo. Ferns are such fascinating plants.

Tracey FK said...

what a lovely moment to have captured.... it is perfectly poised to unfurl... just wonderful

bellefrogworks said...

That is such a special photo - I love ferns and watching how they grow is wonderful.

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