Thursday, May 17, 2012


I've been working on an altered book spread off and on the past few weeks. The theme for this book is "Movement", and it's the first one I'm working on in our local art group's altered book exchange.

I knew what I wanted to do, but my first attempts did not translate as I wished. So... painting over the water area with lumiere paints, I added my original haiku to the page, along with a bit of glitter for the sparkling.

Sunlight peeking through
Rivers sparkling reflection
Swallow soars with joy

While it's still not quite what I had in mind, I like it. And since it's for someone else, I hope they like it too!

I'm playing with Paint Party Friday today, hosted by Eva and Kristin. Check in with the other artists to see what creativeness they've been doing this week.

Also checking in with Artists in Blogland Show and Tell Saturday


GlorV1 said...

Very nice Helen. Love your piece and the terrific Haiku. Thanks. Happy PPF!

Tracey FK said...

They will be thrilled to get this... I think it looks very serene and has a great feel and atmosphere... don't you love those paints!!!! give me a good shimmer paint any day and I am happy...xx

Netty said...

Terrific journal spread, loving that wonderful ocean. Happy PPF, Annette x

Martha from ilove2paint said...

They will love it, it is so pretty!

Mandy said...

its very beautiful...sometimes things don't go as we plan but it's not always a bad thing...those paints do look wonderful

Maria Ontiveros said...

I always enjoy creating for others. I'm sure your swap partner will enjoy your work. I love the words.

Yvonne said...

Lovely work, both art and words. I've never used those paints but will have to try them out one day.

carol l mckenna said...

Divine ~ love the haiku as well ~ great presentation ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

carlarey said...

This is lovely...and I am jealous of that gorgeous bird.

Carolyn Dube said...

I love the lumiere on it- gives the water a sense of movement- the bird just pops in the sky- I am sure the person who gets this will be thrilled! Happy PPF!

Abela said...

Beautiful page and the Haiku is a pity that not translate well, but surely he is handsome. Saludos

SHERI COOK said...

Beautiful pages and the swallow is perfect! Well done!
Happy PPF!
Sheri Cook
Happy Horse Studio

Unknown said...

Who ever gets your book is going to be a very lucky one!!! I love it, and I think what ever you decide to do or add to it, it is going to come up gorgeous!!!
Happy PPF!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Beautiful! And I love the peaceful colors. :)

Rhonda said...

It's wonderful Helen. Isn't it weird how what we see in our heads, seldom comes out the same on the canvas? Happy PPF! xoxo :-)

Marji said...

You captured movement really well. The colors and the sparkle are really lovely. Happy PPF

minnemie said...

My art instructor calls these "happy accidents" -when something planned flops and something unplanned yet delightful happens in it's place:-)

Mary C. Nasser said...

Love that theme of movement...yours has turned out beautifully, Helen!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

They should really be pleased with this... thanks for your comment on my blog post. HAPPY PPF..

Christine said...

what a lovely piece depicting movement!

kristin maynes said...

Love your painting! I really love the bird flying, great work! Happy PPf!

Debbie said...

Your page is so nice. It such such an open, peaceful feeling. Very meditative.

Giggles said...

Wonderful movement! Very pretty!

Carol Creech said...

Beautiful piece! I love the Haiku also. I think you captured 'movement' wonderfully.

Melisa said...

I'm sure they will be very pleased with this!

Lynn Cohen said...

Really lovely altered book here...poetry to match. Flows with the waves of water and bird in flight. Beautifully done! HPPF too!

Unknown said...

Dropping by from Artists in Blogland. Interesting haiku and lovely altered book spread.

Gloria j Zucaro said...

I love your haiku and shimmering water. the swallow is so powerful!
Thanks for your comments on my art.

peggy gatto said...

Just lovely!!!
Words and painting!

Scarlett Clay said...

What a lovely pairing of images and words, it's captivating!

Katie Jeanne Wood said...

Your handwriting is beautiful! Love this page!

Michellem said...

Beautiful layout - the exchange recipient will be thrilled to receive it!

JKW said...

I love what the lumiere did for the painting. I will have to use it. The painting is beautiful. Blessings, Janet PPF

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