Poured inks on canvas panel
words added digitally |
I have allowed myself to be so "busy" this past year with my Etsy shops, that I neglected to make enough time for my art. And I miss it, the joy of constantly creating, be it a journal spread, a little ornament or a painting.
I've been in a rut. The past few months, most mornings I get my tea brewing and head to the computer to check on the shops... and start working on packing up orders or listing things and a hour or two later I'm still in my sweats working away. (Ah, the dangers of working at home.) Now to clarify, I do get up and out on certain mornings, with places to be early in the day.
However most of my days have not included time in the studio. I am challenging myself to get up a bit earlier (I'm usually up by 6:30) and get in the studio with my cup of tea and create/work on some project BEFORE I go check on the shops. We'll see how that goes. :D