Thursday, February 9, 2012

Paint Party Friday - WIP's

I'm having fun with Paint Party Friday, visiting as many artists as I can. I have yet to visit everyone, but I'm working on it. :)

Here's what I'm working on this week...  

I did a bit more on the canvas I started last week... added some mesh and color on the "mountain. It needs MUCH more work, I just haven't had the time this week. 

Mixed Media canvas
I also worked on this canvas I started a while ago; added stenciling with leftover paint from the other project. 

Torn paper background
And this torn paper background's painted layers are from left over paint also. This will be added to and cut up for post cards. 

See what others are doing for their Paint Party Friday here.


Cheryl said...

Cool. I love your torn paper backgrounds.

GlorV1 said...

Love the mesh and the color you have added to the mountain. Nice going.

Christine said...

Nice WIP's, very restful colours!

Daniele Valois said...

the mesh looks sooo cool!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm partial to blue, so I really like the blue canvases! Can't wait to see what you do with them. Your mountain is very intriguing. Happy PPF. :-) xo ~ Rhonda

Debbie said...

I love the interesting textures you're getting here, and the colors are beautiful.

Kokopelli said...

Love the colors in the mixed media canvas!

Apni Avani said...

Nice canvases. I especially like the torn paper one.

Lesley Edmonds said...

Gorgeous textures and colours. Wonderful backgrounds.

Carolyn Dube said...

Those backgrounds beautiful - so full of texture and layers!

carlarey said...

Ooh, love that blue background. You must be itching to get to work on it.
It's nice to see how your paintings evolve over the weeks.

SHERI COOK said...

That soft blue Torn Paper Background is gorgeous! I also love the heart necklaces I saw on your Etsy scroll.
Happy PPF!
Sheri Cook

EVA said...

Nice WIPs. Looking forward to seeing more!

Annabelle said...

Interesting mixed media , love the colours.

Tammie Lee said...

each step adds up to something wonderful!

*jean* said...

o how i love to make a sheet of background to cut is my favorite ... LOVE your blues!!! happy PPF!

Unknown said...

I too like the mesh texture did you use screen or fabric mesh ? I am inspired to try some mesh material in a painting for something Im dreaming up.

Alicia C said...

I love this canvas setup - the pattern created will create an awesome background

DVArtist said...

I too like the torn paper art. Very nice.

Lea said...

The textures in these pieces are wonderful! It will be great to watch the layers continue to build. I just love layers, almost more than the finished piece!

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Background look great! Looking forward to seeing them in a project. :)

Dawn Elliott said...

I love the fact that artists get together regularly to inspire and support each other! Beautiful work!

peggy gatto said...

Just beautiful color and texture!

Heather Foust said...

Cool texture with the mesh! I know how it is trying visit everyone on the list. I have done it a couple of times but it is so hard. Happy PPF!

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