Friday, February 24, 2012

Paint Party Friday - Sunflower

I've had a bug this week, with a lot of congestion and a bad cough (my darling husband shares everything with me *grin*) so wasn't up to much but reading and sleeping and drinking a lot of tea with honey.

One thing I did work on was this little 3x3 mixed media canvas. Latest layer is beeswax. Not sure what else I'll add... or maybe it's done. 

Check out what other artists have created this week at Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin. 


Michele Oliver said...

I love this little canvass. Such a beautiful flower, the colors are amazing.

Anonymous said...

Its beautiful, so warm and rich.I love when you said ,,,, maybe its done,, I have been there!!!!

Carolyn Dube said...

What a beautiful flower- your petals are amazing with all their curves!!

Jill said...

Hope you are feeling better soon! Love the flower and all the movement. Beautiful!

EVA said...

Did you paint the flower or is it collaged? Lovely!

(P.S. Did you know you have word verification turned ON?)

Netty said...

Beautiful piece of work. Hope you are feeling a bit better now. Happy PPF and enjoy the weekend, Annette x

Abela said...

Original sunflower, I like this work. Saludos

carol l mckenna said...

Ooooooh! Love this ~ well done ~ namaste, carol ^_^

Mary C. Nasser said...

I love little canvases!
Your painting is very sweet.
The beeswax is great, too!
Hope you're feeling better soon.
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

Anne Butera said...

Looks lovely! Whenever I see someone using beeswax I think what fun it must be. And how delicious it must smell! Got to try it sometime!

Hope you feel much better soon!

Happy PPF!

Daniele Valois said...

sorry yoou've been sick. This is very pretty!

Debbie said...

Your sunflower is looking beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I love this painting Helen! The colors are my fav and the flower is fabulous! Get better soon! xo ~ Rhonda

deeplyrootedinbeing said...

I love the vintaged texture the painting has! Wonderful! Sunflowers are my favorite!!

Annabelle said...

Looks like this sunny sunflower is done and all that is left to do is for both you and hubby to sit by the hearth, a hot cup of tea and enjoy it's lovely rays .
All the best , take care of that cold : )

carlarey said...

It looks done to me and beautifully so.
Hope you feel better soon.

Ginny said...

Your sunflower is really beautiful. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment. It sounds like you live in a wonderful place. How lucky to be close both to the ocean and mountains.

Christine said...

I love your sunflower yellow! Thanks for stopping by!

Carola Bartz said...

Your sunflowers are lovely, Helen. I've never worked with beeswax, I'm a bit intimidated by that. Perhaps I should try one day?

GlorV1 said...

Love your sunflower Helen. Nice job. Happy PPF, sorry about being late.

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