Wednesday, February 4, 2009


The sunrise yesterday was particularly beautiful, and I just had to capture the colors. It's not quite the same in a picture, but you get the idea... I love how the winter trees look against the sky.

I'm working on a project for the Allied Arts Membership Show being held in March... my first art submitted for display in a gallery. And yes, I am a bit freaked out to be there with incredible artists. Two good friends, Gail and Betsey, are also submitting work so I'm in good supportive company. I'll post the project as I get further along.

1 comment:

Runner Gurl said...

*up on my swivel chair... pom poms in hand.... doing high kicks and cheering*

Go Helen! Go Helen! Go Helen!

P.S. I'm a little freaked out too. I couldn't do it without you guys.

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